Tonight in CLE


Tonight in Cleveland, Cloud Nothings will be celebrating the release of their new album with an in-store performance at Music Saves at 8pm. The in-store will be followed by an album release show at the Beachland Tavern. Doors open at 9pm and tickets are $2. Total Babes and Library Time are also on the bill.

You can stream the entire Cloud Nothings album on the Fader (it's just under half an hour of lo-fi hooky pop bliss) and you can check on their new video for "Should Have" on Pitchfork. Pitchfork also has a nice review of the album up for your reading pleasure ("Cloud Nothings' pop has become deceptively dense-- there is literally (and paradoxically) so much hook to be found here from corner to corner that, unlike similarly, ostensibly simple records, multiple listens are required to appreciate the taste of all its herks and jerks.")

I'll definitely write more after the show tonight (I've been listening to the album non-stop lately), but just wanted to get this out there for now!


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