

TacocaT, Frenching and Foodstamps (Download)

I feel like I start off all of these blog entries with a statement about what a bummer day I'm having, which seems a little absurd and, sometimes, hyperbolic. So far today has been a pretty bummer day (I blame the seemingly endless barrage of snow that's been pounding down on the midwest lately, plus the general misery of a 9-5 desk job.) The first thing I listened to at work today was Jen Wood's This Uncontainable Light, which is great and beautiful, but also some seriously bummer music.

So, in an attempt to boost my mood, I decided to listen to TacocaT's tour EP, Frenching and Foodstamps. TacocaT cranks out 10 pop punk songs in less than 20 minutes on this now sold-out cassette EP. Side A is originals ("Baby Tooth," which reminds me a lot of Cub, with a slightly harder sound in some parts, is one of my favorites) & side B is like a tour of TacocaT's prime influences with covers of songs by the Replacements, Huggy Bear, Cub, Bikini Kill, and Beat Happening ("Knick Knack" is probably my favorite of the covers included on this tape, but maybe that's just because I love Beat Happening so much?)

TacocaT's full length, Shame Spiral, is available on LP and CD from Don't Stop Believin'. You can read a review of Shame Spiral on IndiePages.

TacocaT on MySpace
TacocaT on Highfives and Handshakes
Cover art for Frenching and Foodstamps

TacocaT, Frenching and Foodstamps (Download)


April said...

I have been listening to this like three times a day since you posted it!

April said...

Aaaaand I just ordered the cd.

K. said...

Haha, awesome! It's good to know that at least one person actually went out and bought something after reading one of these entries!

I haven't bought their album yet, but probably will when I get my next paycheck. I've been listening to them tons at work lately!

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